Salvatore Pione

Salvatore Pione (b. 1995, Messina, Sicily) is a multidisciplinary artist who lives and works between Sicily and London. He holds a degree in 2D Animation from Centro Sperimentale di
Cinematografia in Turin, a Bachelor's in Fine Arts from the University of the Arts London, and a Master's in Fine Arts from Goldsmiths, University of London. 

Pione's work has been exhibited internationally, including at Lychee One Gallery (London), Fondazione San Fedele (Milan), Southwark Park Galleries (London), OHSH Projects (London), Galleria Andrea Festa (Rome), General Assembly (London), Split Gallery (London), Cromwell Place (London), Guts Gallery (London), and Alice Black Gallery (London). He has been selected for the Premio San Fedele and the Now Introducing 2022 at Studio West Gallery.

His works are part of the private collections of the X Museum in Beijing and the University of the Arts London (UAL).